Christmas 1989 Newsletter Issue No. 7.


Contents:- George Clark and the Cuffley SL11. CUF(F)LEY population calculation.

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Cuffley Y-DNA


​In May 2011 Peter Cuffley and David Cufley decided to start their DNA project , partly as the way to answer the question that all CUF(F)LEYs ask "are we related". Over 40 years research has not provided a conclusive answer to this question.  DNA testing does not replace the research of records and documents, it is merely a tool that might sug...

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Planters in Barbados


As an aid to try and discover where THOMAS CUFLEY had his plantation in St Phillip parish a list of 17th and 18th century English immigrants and their families is being compiled. 

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Calico Printers


Calico print works around the London area were at Temple Mill (West Ham), Essex, Wimbledon, Surrey and Crayford, Kent areas. The workers frequently travelled from one of these centres to another to find work. A database is being compiled for mainly the period covering the late 18th century and early 19th century. 

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This project is to create a database of those People who gave their profession as Ratcatcher or Rat destroyer. Mainly around London, Middlesex and Essex areas in the 19th century.  Bibliography. 1. 'The Book of Trades or Library of Useful Arts Volumes I, II & III, 1811-18' Published by the Wiltshire Family History Society.2. 'Occupations a...

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Christmas 1994 Newsletter Issue No. 12.


Contents:- Lost in Australia an update Hampshire CUF(F)LEYs

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Christmas 1993 Newsletter Issue No. 11.


Contents:- The 1993 Gathering The American Cousins arrive South Mimms Visit to CUFFLEY, Hertfordshire. Lost in Australia Peter Newton Cuffley 1778-1818 descendants.

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Christmas 1992 Newsletter Issue No. 10.


Contents:-Alfred Chapman Cufley 1837-1902 and Percival George Cuffley 1870-? Cufley and Cuffley Gathering Peter Newton Cuffley 1778-1818 Benjamin Watson Cuffley 1886-1945 James Cufley 1808-1886? Lost in Australia

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Christmas 1991 Newsletter Issue No. 9.


Contents:- Alfred Chapman Cufley 1837-1902 John Cufley publican at 'The Sergeant' 1832. Boxer Rebellion 1900. Calico Printers. Thomas Naunton Cuffley's house at Walthamstow. John Robert Cuffley Founder Commercial Travellers School.

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Christmas 1990 Newsletter Issue No. 8.

Contents:- Thomas Cufley and the Barbados Cuffleys Australian Houses of the 20's and 30s' by Peter Cuffley Captain Peter Newton Cuffley, 16th Madras Native Infantry Regiment. Alfred Chapman Cufley RN at Baltic Expedition and Crimean War

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Christmas 1988 Newsletter Issue No. 6.


Contents:- Lieut. William Leefe Robinson V. C and the SL11 Zeppelin 1916. Edward Cuffley Calico Printer of Wimbledon.

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Christmas 1987 Newsletter Issue No. 5.


Contents:-  ​ William Cufley Beadle of Enfield. Peter Cuffley and 'Puffing Billy'.

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Christmas 1986 Newsletter Issue No. 4.

Contents:- ​ Chance meetings. Baltimore USA Cuffleys. Emile Ford and the Checkmates' drummer John Cuffley. How aggressive are the Cuffleys?

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Christmas 1985 Newsletter Issue No.3

JR-cuffley-portrait John Robert Cuffley

Cufley Street, Omeo Victoria, Richard Cufley b 1835 d 1910 in Australia from c1860. William and Ann Cuffley witnesses against Thomas Sheenan of the Squatters Arms Hotel. Alfred Chapman Cufley of Enfield Cottage Melbourne descended from the Cufleys of Enfield, Middlesex. Alexander Don Cuffley, Architect of Greater Manchester. Cyril Frederick Hardy C...

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Christmas 1984 Newsletter Issue 2

Beadle-Group-Footer 1827 Poster footer

Contents:-  Tintype of John Cufley ratcatcher b 1817 d 1878. Picton marriages to Cufleys 1874 and 1889 Street marriages to Cufleys1839 and 1831 Current UK CUF(F)LEY population calculated as 325. Ratcatchers of Enfield referred to by Henry Mayhews 'London Labour, London Poor'. William Cuffley the Beadle of Enfield's poster 1827 verse. &nbs...

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Christmas 1983 Newsletter Issue 1

Beadle-Poster-header 1827 Poster header

Contents:-  -David's family line from William Cufley b1890 to William Cufley bapt. 1738, -CUF(F)LEY variants Coffley, Couffley, Cofflew, Cuffeley or even Cafli, -Thomas Cufley of Enfield in protestations 1642 and Hearth Tax returns 1664, -William Cuffley the Beadle of Enfield's poster 1827 verse.   Download PDF File Here

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